Saturday, 23 March 2013

What's going on..

This weekend [23rd,24th]-

I will be focusing on my Critical studies presentation and Narrative forms essay.

Monday [25th]-

(Easter starts. I will be heading into uni, to complete a few scenes of my film, also checking/re-working on other scenes [partly completed].

Tuesday [26th]-

Pretty much the same thing as Monday, along-side checking the timing is right against my animatic.

Wednesday [27th]- 

Again.... making sure most [if possible] ALL scenes roughed/drawn out.
Check schedule

Thursday [28th]- 

  • Train home- 10:55
  • Work on Critical studies presentation and Narrative forms essay

Back to Cardiff on the 5th April... Head into uni, carry on with work.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

How it's going

Yesterday, sweat-box  Went okay, although my animatic didn't play the music, so issues there that need fixing, also need to make my film's narrative made more sense than it currently does.

Also Toon-Boom tutorial- Confusing =/, but I'm hoping that once I begin colouring my film scenes, that it will all become clearer. 

Today- Meeting with another music student [grabbing a coffee at the same time, that's always good]. Then off to uni get get some more animation done [HOPEFULLY complete a few more scenes today].

This evening- Life drawing again tonight. Organisation still on track.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Thoughts and going on

So I would say a successful week, got a fair amount of rough animation done. Been in uni this morning got a bit extra done.  Bring on next week, Sweat-box Monday, lets see how that goes.