Friday, 20 December 2013

After Christmas

Hopefully after Christmas, I'll post up previous work from this year, along with on going work.

Dissertation thoughts

Ever feel like you have too much information the carry in writing.

I do. 

With regards to my animation pre-production, that's coming along although I'm slightly behind more so than I hoped. 

Thursday, 3 October 2013


I've been very naughty, neglecting my blog. But I'm back now, so will be (hopefully) posting every day/most days. 

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Today is the day-

That I...

Work on researching my dissertation...

Also continue to think about the designs to my final year animation.

Monday, 20 May 2013


Deadline day, it could not have been any worse if it tried, I seriously need to work out technology, everything that could go wrong happened today. Handed in but still need to keep working on it to finish it.

Tomorrow 8:00am start, hope it goes a lot smoother.

Also NEED to scan in my schedule and post onto here, just as proof I was working to it. 

Saturday, 18 May 2013

What's going on.

Yesterday: Manage to fix Sc5-[Boat], all that need doing is the last bit of clean up for it.

Today: Slightly more productive, with Sc17/18 the bird works better in the style recently achieved.

Tonight: Sort out the tittle and credits ready for submitting.

Tomorrow: NEED to finish Sc17/18, clean up and scan, then sort out the transparency in Toon Boom to produce a burst of light.

Monday: DEADLINE DAY- [12:30] - Finish as much as possible!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


I've eventually been able to log into my account via my computer.

Update- Deadline, Monday before 12:30.

I'm aiming to- Hand-in on the Sunday, if there are any issues they can be dealt with on the Monday morning.

I also aim to fully animate and colour.

Saturday, 11 May 2013


Nearing the deadline, most scenes fully animating and coloured, four scenes to complete and polish off, then to complete the colouring. Fairly on schedule, a few downs, but getting there. Music, received a piece, currently being worked on. 

Monday, 29 April 2013

Computer still broken :(

So.... Although I haven't really posted, I've been working on my film constantly, (with the exception of time out to do critical studies and narrative). The scenes are coming together, I've made yet another list... Already things are getting ticked off which is good :). Finally understanding timing, taken a while but I guess once you get it, everything becomes that much clearer. Not long now (three weeks last Friday-SCARY) but it WILL be fine :). Check in again soon.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Been a little while

Haven't been able to post few a little while [something has been up with logging in]. All my work I think is on track, still a while to go yet.

Tomorrow ➡

Narrative at 9:00, then a meeting with Phil [music], also pass on a copy of my later Animatic.

Critical studies due in on Thursday, spend most of the day on that, then seminar at 3 with Brian.

Monday, 8 April 2013


Today not a bad start to the week.

Continued to work on the timing of my film, I will carry this through tomorrow also.
I want to completely finish roughing out my animation, started working on the seasons today. Got a few tests done, but I need to pick up the pace. Checked schedule... PANIC..... then calmly thought about it, planing is needing a look at[task for tomorrow].

Just keep going....

Saturday, 23 March 2013

What's going on..

This weekend [23rd,24th]-

I will be focusing on my Critical studies presentation and Narrative forms essay.

Monday [25th]-

(Easter starts. I will be heading into uni, to complete a few scenes of my film, also checking/re-working on other scenes [partly completed].

Tuesday [26th]-

Pretty much the same thing as Monday, along-side checking the timing is right against my animatic.

Wednesday [27th]- 

Again.... making sure most [if possible] ALL scenes roughed/drawn out.
Check schedule

Thursday [28th]- 

  • Train home- 10:55
  • Work on Critical studies presentation and Narrative forms essay

Back to Cardiff on the 5th April... Head into uni, carry on with work.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

How it's going

Yesterday, sweat-box  Went okay, although my animatic didn't play the music, so issues there that need fixing, also need to make my film's narrative made more sense than it currently does.

Also Toon-Boom tutorial- Confusing =/, but I'm hoping that once I begin colouring my film scenes, that it will all become clearer. 

Today- Meeting with another music student [grabbing a coffee at the same time, that's always good]. Then off to uni get get some more animation done [HOPEFULLY complete a few more scenes today].

This evening- Life drawing again tonight. Organisation still on track.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Thoughts and going on

So I would say a successful week, got a fair amount of rough animation done. Been in uni this morning got a bit extra done.  Bring on next week, Sweat-box Monday, lets see how that goes. 

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Today's happenings

Today I'm going to finish my layouts ready for Monday, also I want to finish a production test.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Sound going's on.

Today I'm meeting with one of the sound guys to talk about how I want my music to go.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Sound Pitch

So we were asked to do a sound pitch for our films we are currently working, then present it to the music students. This was uncomfortable hearing my own voice, but something I must get used to. I've luckily heard back from a few so soon to meet up with a few and try and get things moving on smoothly.  

Friday, 15 February 2013

Nantahala Animatic

Nantahala Final animatic

So I have eventually uploaded my Pre Production to my Blog. It's not as completed as I would have liked, I will continue to work on this while in the Production. 

Nantahala- Pre Production