Monday 29 April 2013

Computer still broken :(

So.... Although I haven't really posted, I've been working on my film constantly, (with the exception of time out to do critical studies and narrative). The scenes are coming together, I've made yet another list... Already things are getting ticked off which is good :). Finally understanding timing, taken a while but I guess once you get it, everything becomes that much clearer. Not long now (three weeks last Friday-SCARY) but it WILL be fine :). Check in again soon.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Been a little while

Haven't been able to post few a little while [something has been up with logging in]. All my work I think is on track, still a while to go yet.

Tomorrow ➡

Narrative at 9:00, then a meeting with Phil [music], also pass on a copy of my later Animatic.

Critical studies due in on Thursday, spend most of the day on that, then seminar at 3 with Brian.

Monday 8 April 2013


Today not a bad start to the week.

Continued to work on the timing of my film, I will carry this through tomorrow also.
I want to completely finish roughing out my animation, started working on the seasons today. Got a few tests done, but I need to pick up the pace. Checked schedule... PANIC..... then calmly thought about it, planing is needing a look at[task for tomorrow].

Just keep going....